CARE Assessment

Get the CARE Assessment (Pilot)

A Strengths-Based, Non-Ableist Assessment of
Communication, Advocacy, Resilience, and Education.
We can begin to instill CARE in every exchange, starting with the ways in which we evaluate individuals who stutter.
*This assessment is currently being piloted.

Inside The Assessment:
What To Expect

The Blank Center CARE™ Model Assessment is a strengths-based assessment comprised of four sections, with each section assessing the child’s knowledge and skills across the four pillars of the Blank Center CARE™ Model: Communication, Advocacy, Resiliency, and Education. The CARE Assessment for School-age Children, intended to be used with children enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade (approximately ages 5-18), includes a Child Form, a Caregiver Proxy Form, and an Administration and Scoring Form. Assessment activities include free response questions, situational communication activities, ratings of overall as well as situational communication competence, as well as close-ended questionnaires.

This holistic assessment tool will provide baseline scores and data within each component of the model, as well as the Total CARE Score, to measure and monitor individual progress and to establish strength-based goals for treatment. Application of the CARE Model, including assessment, does not include measurement of frequency or ‘ease’ of stuttering as a baseline or as a reflection of therapeutic change.

young  man stands with a microphone and other hand in pocket
Ladies sit in conversation
assessment product spread
girl as in high five
smiling young man stands with a microphone
boy speaking into microphone
lady speaking into microphone

Bundle with the CARE Manual: Implement Whole-Person CARE and Strengthen Individuals in Achieving their Communication, Advocacy, Resiliency, and Education Goals

Pair the CARE Assessment with the Blank Center CARE™ Model: Application for School-age Children who Stutter to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

In our CARE Manual, you’ll find functional outcomes and short-term goals, sample therapy activities, therapy supplements, resources for families and other supporting stakeholders in the child’s life that directly align with each section of the CARE Assessment.

In implementing whole-person CARE, you will not only be helping to empower individuals who stutter to Dream. Speak. Live.® in your setting, you will also be supporting the Blank Center’s mission to end stigmatization on a global scale.

CARE Model Rationale

The Blank Center CARE™ Model offers a distinct, non-ableist approach to stuttering treatment that rests on the evidence-based understanding that when children, teens, and adults…

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