If someone ‘overcomes’ their stuttering, does that mean they will no longer stutter?
While this is often misrepresented in the media or within society, overcoming stuttering does not mean you will no longer stutter; it means stuttering no longer stops you from pursuing dreams, speaking from your heart, […]
Do caregivers or parents cause stuttering to develop by reacting negatively to their child’s speech?
A caregiver’s reaction to their child’s speech will not cause the child to develop stuttering, but can contribute to the child developing positive, or potentially negative attitudes toward their ability to speak.
Do people who stutter all stutter the same amount?
Stuttering exists on a continuum, and ranges from low to high frequency across persons who stutter, and, within each person, there is variability in their daily, monthly, yearly stuttering frequency.
Are people who stutter less intelligent than people who do not stutter?
Absolutely not. Stuttering at any frequency is not the result of a lack of intelligence and people who stutter know exactly what they want to say. In fact, some of the world’s most brilliant minds […]
Does nervousness or anxiety cause stuttering?
People who stutter are not atypically nervous or anxious, nor is nervousness or anxiety the cause of stuttering. Nervousness and anxiety can exacerbate many things we experience, especially if it is perceive it in a […]
Can people who stutter stop stuttering if they try hard enough? Can stuttering be cured?
Stuttering a part of the way people who stutter naturally speak. While there is no known cure, there are many things people who stutter can do to decrease stuttering’s negative impact on their lives and […]
Does slowing down and taking a breath stop a person from stuttering?
No, stuttering is not caused by talking too fast, or by not breathing in deeply enough. Stuttering is part of the way people who stutter talk.
Do people stutter because they do not know what they want to say?
Stuttering is not the result of not knowing what you want to say. People who stutter know exactly what they want to say and can communicate their messages exceptionally well.
Are there places in the world where there are no persons who stutter? 
Stuttering is universal, and is present in every culture, language, and location where people live. Stuttering is experienced by more than 70 million people around the world.
Can you catch stuttering by being around other family members who stutter?
No, stuttering is not contagious or a learned behavior.