Our unique and uplifting mentorship program provides participants of all ages a sense of purpose and belonging. Through weekly peer-to-peer support, developing collaborative advocacy projects, exploring leadership opportunities, and discovering increased self-confidence and compassion along the way, participants are provided with the opportunity to take what they have learned through our daily and intensive CARE and ‘pay-it-forward.’

My name is Ruhee Chitambar, I’m 18 years old, and I’m a person who stutters. I participated in speech therapy with the Blank Center during spring of 2022, and I’ve been a Pay-It-Forward Intern since that summer. For me, Dream. Speak. Live. means to always live your life and speak your truth unapologetically.
Advocacy through Personal Stories
As a Pay-it-Forward Participant this past semester, Ruhee Chitambar chose to address the need for greater stuttering education in her community.
To highlight the personal experiences of people who stutter, she interviewed five people individuals and compiled both their stories and their advice into unique booklets tilted “Stories of Stuttering!”
As a Pay-it-Forward Participant this past semester, I chose to address the need for greater stuttering education in my community by creating zines. These small booklets are inspired by testimonials of people who stutter in hopes that readers all ages can take something away from each story.
Using these stories, she designed “zines” (like magaZINES), which she distributed with her community to share the testimonies of those she interviewed with the hope that readers all ages can take something meaningful away from each story.
Each zine is available to both view and download here.
Become Your Own Stuttering Advocate!
To continue to promote stuttering education and awareness, share this post with family, friends, and any others in your community through social media. Thank you for your help in advocating for people who stutter!
– Ruhee