Above all else, we want everyone and the world to know it’s okay to stutter.
“What I wish people knew about stuttering” is a signature part of our program as our diverse participants of all ages share their unique messages with the world.
There are countless misconceptions and stereotypes that exist within society surrounding stuttering. By perpetuating this misinformation, society’s perception of stuttering will remain stigmatized and individuals who stutter will be misjudged, seen as less equipped, and less capable. We are on a mission to change this and to create a better world for individuals who stutter of all ages, across the world through the power of education.

A staple of our programming involves instilling a drive to educate others on behalf of self to reduce the pervasiveness of these misconceptions and, likewise, to communicate how they would like their environment to view or see stuttering.
When we educate through the voices of individuals who stutter, we are confirming the vantage point we wish to affirm; that people who stutter can be capable, effective, assertive, and confident in their communication—and do not need to rely on others to speak or advocate for them. In addition, there is vast individualization in #whatIwish messaging across those who stutter because people who stutter are individuals and have their own unique views, wishes, and hopes they want to share—so the more voices who share, the more perspectives the world gets to hear.
Share your own message!
Join us and help spread what you wish people knew about stuttering by participating in our weekly social media series known as #WhatIWish Wednesday!

Step 1: Click here and scroll to the last slide in the post.
Step 2: Press the share button below the graphic and choose “Add to Story.”
Step 3: Type your own unique #WhatIWish Message and to fit inside the blank square.
Step 4: Tag us @BlankCenterStuttering so we can re-share your message!
Step 5: Share with your own community and keep spreading the word and inspiring others—and inspiring change!